How I made $7,500 MRR in passive income in 38 days via Fitness Trainers Brokerage

@letmebeyourshelter Just want to mention that your numbers aren't right.
If you set the price at 1.3X and then take 30% of the new price you're actually taking 39% and the trainer gets 91% of the original price (i.e. the trainer give up on almost 10%).
@letmebeyourshelter I get tons, tons of emails with, I have x amount of clients for your business, looking for your y services. How can I get in touch with z person in your company to send them over you. Same template, different idiots.
@letmebeyourshelter I could tell instantly this guy is just selling a course lol

When you know marketing these types of posts are so obvious. The sad part is some dummies will fall for it here.

This guy has never done this, he just thought up the idea and instead of putting in the hard work himself and trying to make it happen, he wants to take the easy way out and just sell a course of it to skim money off you with no work.

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