How many sq ft y’all think this is? (Just the straight away)

@lspiegel Square footage can be deceptive until you get the hang of it. A 5x5 ft area is 25 square feet, but a 10x10 is 100. If you have a spot that's only 15 feet wide but it's 80 feet long, that's 1200 square feet.

Pricing your service should be the result of a calculation, not a guess. The calculation should take into account your hourly rate, your equipment, your experience, your consumable materials, your expected business growth, and your labor. Have you ever done a section this size? (I don't see a picture if there's supposed to be one). Do you know about how long it'll take you to do it? What you'll need?
@lspiegel Thats about the size of 3, 1 small bedroom apartment i dont think thats to bad really depends on your equipment i would charge a down payment though 🤔
@lspiegel Get yourself a little laser tape measure that can measure long distances and calculate square footage. It’s very hand for you and I’d Houte proficient with it, clients are impressed.

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