How to get into YCombinator?


New member
Hey guys,

Me and some friends of mine, we've been working hard for the last weeks building a product and we want to apply to the YCombinator next summer batch.

Being from Portugal it seems something almost impossible so, as we need all the help we can find, does anyone can help us giving us some advice on how to prepare a good application or introducing us to someone who can?

Best regards,
@rezamo I would recommend not putting effort into the demo video. Firstly it's not a demo, it's an intro. And it should feel natural, unrehearsed. So just tell YC what you're building. If you have a co-founder make sure you both talk.

You're answering the question: 'Who are you and what are you building?"

If you have a background in what you're doing (e.g. you're building space elevators and you worked for NASA) say that. If you have customers already, say that. And say how you know your co-founder (e.g. you worked together for 2 years before starting this project).

Another piece of advice is this: If you have a good idea that can be big and you explain it well, you'll probably get an interview. You have to imagine - a bunch of the people applying aren't putting much effort in or have a shitty idea. If you have a good idea that has potential, and a route to execute - you'll probably get an interview.

Getting in to YC isn't based on probability/chance. The problem you're solving and ability to demonstrate the idea and your capability to execute on that idea is what is important.
@hi2u_uk Obviously the further along the success curve you are, the more likely you are to be accepted. That said, they have accepted pure ideas before. You’ve got until March 25 so just hustle make as much progress as you can.

They also really like repeat applicants as it lets them seem progress over time. So apply now with measured expectations (still possible though!) and then be ready to apply again for the winter batch.