How we made $20K in sales WITHOUT an MVP, to fund out MVP

@nicoletta If someone was to accept the terms and deliver because they are confident in the process laid out, is that a bad thing?

I worked on commission for over 20 years and had no problem with it until the DoL required a draw. Once that happened my pay plummeted over the years because the company took more and more.

There are some industries where this makes sense, however the commissioner would probably make more if they were good than just coasting because they knew they had a draw.

It's not for all people. Finding that one right person can make a tremendous difference.

I rather liked the post because it offered potential solutions, not detraction or bitterness.

He is trying to help. Some here like to take.
@irnbite73 What was my ‘immense’ privilege?

Sure, I’m privileged compared to some people and underprivileged compared to others.

That’s like saying minimum wage in a developed country is privileged because compared to third world, they don’t even get that.

It depends on the comparison.
@fanofgod1992 Why don’t you go and think about what your privilege is. If it isn’t immediately obvious to you, then there’s no starting point for a discussion.

And minimum wage is a form of privilege. These things are relative.
These things are relative.

Exactly. Almost anyone can be privileged when compared to someone with worse conditions.

Are you saying I need to make a bunch of admissions and statements about the endless forms of privileges that I have in my favour, instead of just getting to the point of the post?

Privileges because of my race? My nationality? My gender? My age?

Did I miss this requirement to post advice/tips in this sub?

You seem to be detracting from the intent of the post, which is "Hey here's something that worked for me, and some clear evidence of how I did it. If it helps, great. If it doesn't, great as well"

Ironic that your top post is one whereby you celebrate paying off your credit card debt, and yet you didn't acknowledge your privilege for being able to get a credit card, or have a job that allowed you to pay it off. Shame on you! jks.

No. I think you SHOULD celebrate paying off your debt. That's an achievement. Notice how I'm not finding some obscure way to detract from the sentiment of your post? ;)
@fanofgod1992 This is not about me. You’re not paying attention at all. You’re trying to win an argument. You’re clearly not someone who can shut the fuck up and listen. Tedious.
@crazychimera I don't and thanks for the encouragement all the same.

Anyone that challenges convention and stands for something that disrupts the status quo either gets used to the minority of naysayers, despite how loud they may seem & ignores them....or decides they are playing the wrong game and goes back to the perceived safety of anonymity.
@fanofgod1992 Creating $20K in sales without an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to fund your MVP development is an impressive achievement. While it's not the conventional path, it's not unheard of.

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