I am currently at $600 M.R.R. with the AI tool I launched 5 months ago, how should I approach marketing?


New member
I launched ChattyDocs.com in March this year, and got customers organically with almost 0 marketing (probably some Reddit post got ranked for SEO).

There are gazillion AI chat tools that try to automate the support for a website, etc. The tool I built focuses on building and maintaining a knowledge base that can be used to drill down for the information, creating a "knowledge experts" bots of some sort.

How would you approach the marketing? Is writing a blog a slowly getting SEO a best way?
@sam2017 Been running a bootstrapped company since 2009 with thousands of customers in more than 100 countries.

Blogging is great but is more of a long term strategy. I’d consider partnerships, Twitter, YouTube, making an affiliate program, and cold outreach. Pick one of those and focus on it. I’d avoid paying for ads, even if you had 10x the MMR, as it is easy to burn money if that is not your specialty.
@sam2017 Working backwards, you need:
  1. A sales page
  2. Traffic
For the sales page, you obviously have something going. I would recommend doing some A/B tests to optimise for conversions.

Now, for traffic.

Any traffic you get should either be captured as an email address or be converted into a sale so that you don't waste your effort. Plus, an email address is your most important asset.

That said...

Fastest way to get traffic is to get in front of somebody else's traffic stream. You can do that via ads, sponsorship or collaboration.

Usually, these things cost more money than you expect to spend.

You could also try these approaches for marketing:
  1. Finding keywords people are using to get to your site and using an AI tool to get you a ton of articles in a go. This has a small window to be effective in my opinion.
  2. duplicate this process for videos as YouTube does pretty well in some niches for sending traffic
  3. Try doing cold emailing to select companies to see if they are interested.
In the long run, content marketing and social media should kick in to add organic traffic and your email list should be growing.

Hope this helps.

If you have more questions, ask away!
@hopehouse I am not sure what is the most common use case. Some of the users create a bot trained on the huge amount of data that is used as an expert on the field (because of the most recent articles fed to the AI).
@kristen777 I did not launch on ProductHunt yet. I will launch there for sure. I do not expect much traffic from there, it can be a good backlink though. I see Twitter similar to SEO it is a long term strategy to build an audience, maybe even harder than SEO.
@philip33 I tried before with a different product, did not have much success probably due to not targeting right audience. Did you have any good results with cold emailing, do you recommend any particular approach?
@philip33 I don't have that many users to know what is the target audience to niche down. It is kind of a broad tool that can be used basically by anyone who has to read documents or extract the info.

Most of the customers use it to go over documents, asking for the information. Some users embed the bot (white label) and use it as a tool providing value for their own customers (B2B like).
@sam2017 I highly recommend doing some paid ads to see if you can scale it up quicker at a profitable level of ad spend. I got to $90K MRR is 6 months doing it that way. TikTok ads are AMAZING. Happy to chat if you wanna DM me.

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