I have a decent business idea I think


New member
How do you share it with people to get opinions, mainly online but also in person, without risk of someone taking it? And also at the next stage of funding. Do you make them sign an NDA or what? Thanks!!
@ashs Think of it this way, even if no one would “steal your idea”, after you go public and you launch your startup, your idea is still subject to being taken by other businesses and being implemented as a side-product. It’s not really that straightforward to say that one idea is your solely, and often times it’s not you who came up first with the idea.
Bottom line is, the idea is maybe 1/3 of the startup, execution and the team is probably what makes up 2/3 of the startup. Besides, there’s a reason why the lean canvas has a section called “unfair advantage”. If others can replicate fairly easily and fast what you plan on doing, then that’s not a an unfair advantage.

Just think that if you are at the very beginning, don’t be so overly protective of your idea (it probably isn’t yours in the first place)
@ashs Let me give you the first lesson of startups (I made the same mistake) - nobody is going to steal your idea.

Concepts are cheap and plentiful, it's always in the funding and execution.

I wish somebody told me, because the first sign of a noob that nobody will take seriously is asking folks to sign an NDA before showing their pitch deck. It's counter productive.

You'll probably disagree, but one day, you'll look back at this and cringe if you don't take my advise.


@17warner Just to add a bit more flavour, think of it this way, SaaS startups are just a fancy way to package a database and some API calls. At its core, everyone is doing the same thing, only that they are designing it and using variations of the tools for different purposes.
@ashs I have been in your place, and I know most people who are thinking about starting a startup, they think their ideas are innovative (I was just the same). You end up to a point where you realise that 8 billion is truly a lot of people, and we are mostly fed the same informational sources, we consume similar content, so we act in similar patterns.

There might be a chance that your idea is totally innovative, and maybe I am the stupid guy who talks nonsense, but for the most part of people who are going to read this, your idea isn’t really your idea.
At least someone somewhere has thought about it once (and maybe they haven’t taken action).

What happened to me and many others I know, especially at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, is that you start doing market research, and you find soo many people who’ve tried similar ideas (most ideas have been tried at one point in a way or another during the dot crash.( maybe I am exaggerating, but I think you get the point)
@christbearer95 It's true so many people have thought of it but it doesn't make it not your idea. It's just that we have similar thought patterns. Saying FB wasn't Zucks idea would be more accurate. Just cause someone else thought of it too =/ not your idea. But I get the gist of it
@ashs No, no way you sign an NDA. If you have have something that you can patent - then you can file for patent beforehand. If its anything else - just live with the though that someone can "steal your idea" and go and discuss it. Otherwise you'll probably just bury the idea in your own head.
@ashs Usually i talk with a bunch of close friends which can share their honest opinion if its shit or not (the idea)
Afterwards, depending on the scale of the project, you'd want to interview a partner for the project
And not an employee, unless you have means to pay him

You can find these guys on stsrtup groups in your country, or if you have "startup schools" and things like that for people you can trust, and know they are somewhat skilled and trust worthy
Not sure of these stuff are popular in every country though

Thats just my approach to these things
@adhidw And there we go, another idea from your second paragraph. An app for startups lol because I don't know of anything like a group or school for that. Why not an app to connect like minded people?
@ashs parlo in italiano per comodità, la tua domanda si riferisce al discutere con gli altri per un idea che allo stesso tempo hai paura che te la rubino.
come vuoi avere un confronto senza rischiare che l’idea venga rubata?
È di principio un presupposto che ognuno di noi deve fare.
Sono curioso di saperla, e sono a disposizione di un confronto per aiutarti.