I have analyzed 100+ SaaS websites, and these are some of the most common problems I can see in their homepage copy

@667083 Does it apply to B2C as well? I’m trying to put a testimonial but in the same time want to protect user’s privacy by not sharing their picture. So I just use an avatar icon but that could be considered as fake testimonial
@rayne49 You have 2 options:
1. Send your customers a consent form, tell them how important this is important for you and then add their pictures.
2. If they say no for their picture (which btw rarely happens), you can atleast add their company logo.

Avatars never work. For people who are really shy and don't add their pictures anywhere, we usually link their public profile (LinkedIn or Twitter) to show that this is a real person giving a review.
@667083 This is very opinionated. You can do all of these and still not convert any users. If you are just starting out, you don't have to follow all the tips OP mentioned. Except you have all the resources to pull it off.
@lamb7 You can do everything every CRO/copy expert tells you to do and still not convert users. Because converting users doesn't only depend on the website message. It depends on the product, pricing, positioning and so many other factors.
And, no, you don't need resources to pull this off. Follow the right people who give this advice for free.
Also, there are sites like CXL, Copyhackers and marketing examples. They have so many examples, all free.
Trust me, you don't even need to hire a copywriter if you don't have the budget. Just start with these sites, read the case studies, implement basic changes and see what works for you.

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