I just started a fully equipped eCommerce business for just 8 hours and 40$ and already made my first sales!

@debbie007 What are your doubts? Before starting anything, I spent 50-60 hours just reading and exploring options, pros and cons, and what I figured out is the most important part of this business is a good and reliable supplier.

Yes, my supplier is active both on Alibaba and Aliexpress, and those sites have proved to be most reliable when finding suppliers. It takes from 4 to 28 days in average, rarely over 30 days (but that largely depends on the order location). If you find a good supplier, they will ship fast and use proper distribution channels.

There is just one safer and better (but longer) way to find supplier - and that's personally searching for and contacting companies. Pay in mind that lots of Chinese companies have great products, but little or zero knowledge about marketing and selling that product.
@kelbren I found 2 or 3 suppliers in Alibaba that seem reliable and have sent me a quote. But as i am based in Ireland, one of my challenges at the moment is finding a shipping company that offers reasonable prices to ship my products to my customers, as i would not dropship but receive the goods, pack them and label them before sending them. After researching the market i think most of the orders would come from UK and Mainland Europe (especially Netherlands, Germany, Belgium..)

I am also looking into wether i should pay a customs agent to act in my behalf and do all the import paperwork (the goods would come from China) as i have never imported anything before and I'm a little bit nervous...

@debbie007 If I understood well, you want to do everything from packing to logistics by yourself after you have bought the product. In that case, lot of manufacturers from Alibaba (there are manufacturers, who make and sell the product, and there are traders who just sell products and can lead to overpricing or scamming) offer OEM - which is them packing and putting your logo/design on everything from the product to the box, and sending you the final product, which you just ship to your customers. If you're based in Ireland, there is still couple more years in Brexit, you can surely target Europe and have easier transactions in European Union. My supplier has 3 different shipping locations: China, USA and UK, and it is my choice from where I will ship the product, which affects both the price of the product and the price of shipping (meaning you can get cheaper and faster), so I really don't need to handle that myself. Chinese are negotiators. First of all, most of the original prices on Alibaba can be lowered, especially for quantity. Even their MOQs can usually be lowered if the number's too much for you to start with. If you build a trust-based relationship with your supplier, you will soon get even better prices, just after few transactions. I don't think you should pay an agent, maybe just pay for hour or two of consulting about importing, just to know where you stand; also, most of that you can find on google. What I learned about the Chinese is that they function totally differently, and you have to be very careful. For example: you find a product, you like it and decide to buy 10 pieces of it. So you contact the buyer, agree to the price, shipping, even sample (which you MUST order before making a commitment to buying more for selling; most of them will just require for you to pay for shipping). You get the sample, it is a beautiful black watch, and you love it, you finalize the deal and then you get the order for 10 pieces to sell. What you get is 10 yellow watches and you're freaking out because that is not what you ordered - that is what they probably couldn't sell. The thing is, you can't do nothing about it because you didn't say you wanted 10 black watches, and that's how China's laws work. People have recieved smaller or larger items, different materials, different colors, so be sure to ask everything you need to know and be very specific about your order. Don't trust the descriptions and don't trust the pictures before you see it with your own eyes. Make sure you keep all the communication before making a deal on Alibaba platform, because it can be used as a contract. Also, think about the shipping, it may be expensive. Do you want to have free shipping? Because, just a psychology fact, people will give up from buying if the shipping is higher, even if they pay more for the same product with free shipping - people love free shipping. Can you cover it with a higher price and still be competitive? Do you want to leave it to the buyer? This is all the math you need to include in your plan, and see if it fits your ambitions and wishes. Hope that answers your questions, if you have anything else just shoot.

Off the topic:
I am actually visiting Canton Fair in Guangzhou in October with my partner. Really looking forward what we're going to see there.
@kelbren Firstly, i really appreciate you took the time to write all this, and i wish you best of luck with your business, your website and products look quite good. OEM sounds interesting, i wonder if i am going to be able to visually check the quality of all the units (sportswear) before i ship them to make sure i dont send any defective product, etc..i was also exploring aliexpress custom envelope suppliers but the way you described OEM sounds easier.

I am used to call China and other APAC countries on a daily basis due to my job, so i completely agree with you that business rules are quite different over there... I'll keep that in mind when negotiating. I got also some decent quotes from Pakistan suppliers but the Chinese ones seemed to be bigger and more specialised in the sport i am going to target, so i think I'm going to choose them.

Have fun in Guangzhou!
@debbie007 As I said, you can order samples (if they're not expensive, they'll be free) and check out the product yourself. If you like it, make sure you describe everything while negotiating. OEM can be fully customizable by better companies; product logo, packaging material, packaging design, and most of them would even ship it for you, you just have to pay the MOQ in advance. Good luck and thanks! :)

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