I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

@whatnow As for the book - I think you should have more products in the funnel around it - a lead magnet to get some emails, then sell them the book, then a course, then personal consulting on horseshit or other things. Without several products I probably wouldn't do it right now. Would be a fun thing to create some titles for though!

As for your business. I wanted to suggest getting some press coverage, but that's digging a hole for yourself. Others will get the grasp of the thing and you might be less likely to get the manure for free or maybe any reasonable price at all.

Therefore, you should probably try to establish yourself as an expert not on the business side of things, but on the horseshit side of things. Be someone your customers, not wannabes listen to. Get talking to the local groups which are most likely to use this as a fertilizer, get their support and move to other related groups with the first one already having your back.

See if there is some outdated content in the horseshit field. If there is, write something better as a reference for your possible buyer. E.g. Which fertilizer to choose for the 2017 growing season: your 5 best options. Be upfront and honest about the advantages and disadvantages of each, also tell them that you pretty much solve the disadvantages of manure.

I see you're collecting an email list too. Put that to work - get people educated and occasionally (especially in key seasons) offer them to buy something. Ask for testimonials about your service, how it's convenient, how it's good to do it for the plants.

And probably the last thing that came to my mind - this might become a subscription product! I'm not sure how to deal with the biohazard part of shipping the thing, but the product itself certainly has at least some characteristics for becoming a subscription thing.
@whatnow Haha this was a very interesting read, and as a marketer myself i'd have a ball promoting something like "I shovel shit and make more than most people on the weekend"

I think the simplicity of your business model is what will make people so interested, as you can find manure anywhere outside the city and bring it in. It's similar to sourcing products from overseas and doing all of the dirty work, then marking it up and packaging it nicely to be sold. Your doing the same thing here, just with a local product.

$20 is a bargain for some knowledge of this sort, as anyone unemployed can get up and go get a shovel and start making some money.

My question is, rather than the Ebook (which is a great idea), how do you plan on scaling the business itself besides buying a truck? I believe you can 10X that as long as the demand is there.

You can hire from upwork someone to post every day on craigslist on your behalf, so that would be taken care of ($1 per post)

You can hire 2-3 employees to go out and get the manure and bring it back, so at that point all you have to do is simply tell the buyer to come get it. You could work out a simple price structure with your "employees" that maybe all they will do is drive the truck and get paid a flat fee for pickup and delivery of it. Think Uber. People do it for pennies on the dollar after fees, gas, maint, etc, so you may end up paying better than that

The goal is to have your phone ringing off the hook, and think about fulfilling the orders later. There's only one of you, so can you literally 10X your profit if there was 3 of you? Or would you just have a truckload of dump that may not sell as quick?

Something to ponder
@luckyleaf Great feedback. Thank you!

I like your ideas for expansion. Some of them I've been thinking about. One challenge is keeping employees from competing with me. It's not impossible but it might be difficult. Fortunately my sister is going to be my first employee so I can count on her not to stab me in the back. She is also going to sell product in a neighboring city for me.

I will keep pondering these ideas. Thanks.
@whatnow How would that be any different than if they bought your possible ebook?

I'd say you'd make more than $20 from each "employee" if they got a few truckloads for you than them buying your ebook and doing it.
@whatnow As a long-time full time info-product producer, let me offer you an alternative strategy, exactly what I would tell a member of my info-biz course if they presented the same scenario:

DON'T squander the chance to turn the 'info-biz' aspect into a real, viable, long-term opportunity.

Don't sell the book initially, instead create a 'short report' with a few 'nuggets' from the course and use it as a lead magnet (an 'opt-in' giveaway in return for email address).

You'll have more opportunity to place or offer the lead magnet, and grow your list faster & bigger.

THEN use your list to send out a weekly newsletter of relevant tips, ideas, inspirations, etc. (to maintain an ongoing relationship and reinforce your status as a worthwhile trusted resource. You can write it yourself, outsource it, or curate relevant stuff).

When your course is close to ready, build up some anticipation and excitement 10-14 days prior.

Both before & after, consider looking for relevant worthwhile offers you can promote to your list as an affiliate.

Finally, once you've launched your course and have some numbers, find affiliates to promote your course.

Fwiw, along with producing info-products as my primary full-time income, I created a course on how to do what I do - a scenario just like your btw.

If you'd like to PM me, I'm willing to give you access to the course gratis (it's $250 if you were to sign up); in addition, I would be happy to work with you to help you succeed on the info-biz side of your efforts.
@matt999 An info product on info products, I must have expected that. An interesting topic for me personally though.

What was your background at the point where you started making info-products?
@deqxter I've been making money online since there was an 'online', and full time for almost 15 years.

Having 'been there, done it all' in terms of online business models (ecommerce, website developing, affiliate marketing, adsense, etc), I frequently took what worked for me and turned it into guides.

About 5-6 years ago, I focused on strategies for finding & validating ideas for info products, and on developing products from those ideas, and have been doing that as my primary income since. I continue to do some other things like affiliate marketing & ecommerce, but info products account for the lion's share of my income.
@matt999 Quite the experience. I like the fact that you managed to adapt over such a timeframe and still do this.

What would you say is the single most determining factor to success selling anything online?
@whatnow I think the biggest issue here is expansion. If you want to grow your operation you need to hire employees. However, there's nothing stopping them from doing exactly what you have. I have a friend with a business but he can't expand because he has to show them how it's done and introduce them to the connects he has made.

His idea and business is kind of a secret. Similar to what you have. I'd be wary of sharing things with others as the barriers to entry are almost nonexistent.
@amyers3 Exactly. That will be the biggest challenge. Fortunately my sister will be joining me to help and I can work out a deal with her if she wants to start her own "branch" or remain an employee and salesperson.

Do you think I'm revealing too much information here and on my website? As I grow larger similar businesses will definitely see my ad and instantly know what I'm doing. Whether they can do it as profitably and as efficiently as I can, I don't know. I guess I hope I can establish my name in this niche first and capture some loyalty before the competition moves in.

Thanks for sharing! Lots to think about.
@whatnow No, I'd be more concerned with people in your area. May take some of your pie.

Focus on stream lining your business. Find out if you have any bottlenecks and eliminate them. Good luck.
@whatnow I'm willing to pilot your book. I have access to free horse manure. in laws have a farm . you can use my results for the book. we already produce vegetables and honey so this would be right up our allay. let me know if your interested.
@whatnow This looks really cool. My friend owns a large farm with at least 40 horses. I'd be willing to try your method and give you a glowing testimonial. Can I PM you?
@amyln Thanks for the interest. You can certainly PM me but at this point I don't know how I'm going to proceed. I think I will be delaying the release of the book but I may release something to build my audience. Nothing is decided yet.

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