I sold a software company for 1.2 million in 2012

I know that sounds impressive on the surface but divide the money three ways and then be young enough with no concept of money and think your rich.

Obviously I would managed my share better if this happened today but here are some other lessons I learned during this journey.

Have a clear niche:
Having a clear target market and defined audience will allow you to make the most of whatever resources you have available.

Money is a tool:

Being overly attached or influenced by it will cloud your decision making.

No one cares what you did only how you can benefit them.

“Note I grew up in extreme poverty and I’ve been homeless twice so none of this was easy or obvious, more of a gradual grind.

For anyone asking my age when this happened I was 26. At the time thought I was invincible then life clued me in.
@laurapalooza I was wondering the same. He must’ve or else the math doesn’t really add up for the military pension/retirement (for the U.S. at least). Although, there are some exceptions to that.
@613jono If he got disabled (even partially) as a result of his military service he could qualify for a military pension before the 20(?) years of service traditionally required.
@bisonbubbles Yes that is the main exception I was thinking of, a medical separation/early retirement. Or any amount of time in service and is receiving VA disability, but it’s be weird to call getting disability payments a pension, but maybe just did so for simplicity sake

And yeah normal minimum time for military retirement is 20 years
@rickytheevangelist It's in the custom Apparel industry. Targeted for small business. Just a cheaper alternative or just as expensive but with more features. I was in the industry so I sorta know what others were/ate missing. Screen printing and embroidery specifically
@rickytheevangelist Thanks for replying. 7 figures make me want to keep this and wait for a bigger buy-out. I honestly don't see why it wouldn't be used or a popular option. As I stated before, my SaaS will have features many of the few softwares available for said industry doesn't have.

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