I spent 200 hours building a tool that creates faster and more efficient routes than Google Maps


New member
Not sure why Google Maps doesn't have this already.

I'm building a mobile app (like this chrome extension I built) that takes my multi-stop route on Google Maps and rearranges it to give the fastest, most efficient route (TSP Problem). It basically tells me what stops I should go to in what order to ensure that I’m spending the least amount of time and gas on the road.

With over 13k users on the extension, everyone has been telling me to build this into an app so I plan on launching this summer, please let me know what features you would like to see! You can join the waitlist here: App Waitlist:)

The best way to summarize what this tool does is that it automatically re-orders multi-stop routes, basically telling you the best order in which you should go about your stops.

For example on Google Maps if you were to enter in route A, B, C, D, E you will get the best route in that order, but a better order might be A, D, C, B, E which is what this tool finds.

Super cool when u have errands to run or go road-tripping. Hope that helps:)
@christianmedic I like it. Good execution. I'm not a fan of a monthly payment (those typically make sense if it's a service that you use constantly - day in and day out) - perhaps you can think of other monetization ideas, like having a suggestion for the user to add promoted local businesses the route.
@devaofprayze The check and the x are to keep track of the addresses you were able to get to. Start All is the google maps link for all the addresses together, Go is the google maps link to just to that one stop.

Hope that helps:)

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