I Spent 3 Days Reading 31+ Marketing Reports & , Here’s What I learned in 2022(Part-4)


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1. Snapchat’s Gen-Z Report About What they want!​

  1. 63% Gen Z favours brands that have fair labour policies listed & promote health culture in workspaces.
  2. 62% favour brands that have sustainable manufacturing practices like Patagonia.
  3. Gen Z users on Snapchat focuses more on purpose-driven messaging Ads with an Ad score of 60 compared to 52 of Ads without purpose.

2. Facebook’s Video Ad tips based on 70 Ad Campaigns​

  1. Ads including UGC or brand + product focused Ad creatives drove 26% more ROI.
  2. Mobile Optimised Ads perform the best. Facebook’s Ideal Mobile Ad is
    1. Under 15 seconds or less
    2. Square or tall Aspect ratio
    3. Made for sound off
    4. Features branding or brand links upfront.
  3. ROI is the best with better consistency of the campaign run. The average campaign frequency between 1 and 1.5 per week gets 22% better ROI.

3. Microsoft’s Consumer & Retail Trends Report for New Year Holidays​

  1. Organic Food Searches/clicks are expected to peak during week of 1/14, expected growth of 20% from December.
  2. Microsoft’s Internal Ad Data confirms the organic search growth in Fitness and Apparel products + Vegan Nutrition.

4. Pinterest’s Trends 2023 predicting upcoming trends.​

  1. In Finance, Pinterest predicts upto 135% increase in content related to financial challenges like Budget & savings.
  2. In Parenting, Increase of Gender Flag content upto +285%.
  3. In Travel, upto 105% increase in Train related travel.
  4. In Beauty, Clean Scalp & Hair color related trends to increase more than 70% on platform.
  5. In Entertainment, Trends around House music to grow about 185%.
  6. In Fashion, Romcom, Sci-fi, & long sleeve content trends are predicted to increase.

5. Sales & Millennials Report on Hard times for both side.​

  1. In a recent Forrester report, 75% of Millennial Businesses said the decision making with suppliers is taking longer than it used to do since pandemic.
  2. 90% sales professionals are having work related burnouts as the approvals are taking longers.
  3. Alongside that, Big layoffs lead to new sales recruitings but due to Tiktok & LinkedIn Sales trends. Recruiters having hard time getting through the process of hiring.

7. Discord’s Emoji Report to Understand Gen Z and Millennials together.​

  1. 40% people agree that use of emoji can make them feel more cared for than a hug.
  2. 63% say they use emojis to connect with interest based communities.
  3. 61% Gen Z and 68% millennials believe emojis allow them to be more honest compared to texts ✍️ without them.

8. CX Trends Report about How Marketers are changing their approaches​

  1. 62% of marketers expect an increase of budget upto 10% while 15% believe it might stay the same or decrease.
  2. 89% of marketers believe DAM is crucial to success of organisation.
  3. 72% of marketers feel like organisations don’t give them freedom to be innovative and experiment with content.
  4. 78% marketers & Businesses believe that their customers trust them with their first-party data, it’s a great increase compared to 63% last year.
  5. On Consumer Side, A decrease from 54 to 51% customers trusting their personal data with Brands.

9. TikTok’s Top Ads of 2022 In EU & Trends Predictions​

  1. The Ad By Channel 4 about the challenge “tell me, without telling me” was one of award winning Ads + Tiktok officially predicts similar Ad trends like “Tiktok Made me buy” ruling 2023.
  2. Durex’s Creator Campaign in Spain with Educationial creators was also awarded. Also, TikTok’s New Report shows 50% Consumer find Creators mentioning brands alongside value oriented content better format.
  3. Another Trend, Tiktok predicted to have an impact next year is Comments are acting more as social proof than likes. 74% of users made buying decisions off-platforms after reading comments.

10. Instagram’s Top 2 Creator Predictions for 2023​

  1. 50% of Gen Z IG users want to DIY their clothes or thrift shop.
  2. 2 out of 3 consumers to buy beauty products that protect against extreme weather.
  3. 67% of Gen Z feel digital avatars, AR and AI influencers will help them with fashion inspiration.
  4. 40% of Gen Z followers want to hear audio content like Podcasts from their favourite Creators.
All these reports are taken from official sources like IG newsroom blogs, WSJ, Reuters and others.

What’s your opinion on upcoming trends and changes in 2023? + You can subscribe here to receive the reports I read during these series next Sunday.

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