I want to create a SaaS product but I don’t have a technical background, where should I start?


New member
I have solved a lot of problems for businesses in my management consulting career and I have some really cool Excel Models that I would like to turn into SaaS products. I don’t have a technical background so I’m curious where the best place would be to start and what to look out for so I don’t get taken advantage of. I would prefer to pay someone to develop rather than learning coding. Any recommendations?
@estherann I'd explore some of the nocode options like bubble, noodl, etc. r/nocode should point you in the right direction.

For something simple like this I think you can get up and running within a month.
@estherann I have an MVP development agency that I run with my partner. We ship out fullstack apps for 5k a piece. Why so inexpensive? We're betting on your success in the long run for possibility of ongoing development work. DM me if you'd like to learn more.
@estherann Start by solving a problem!

I'm plugging a solution specifically for this: Owchie

For you to create a product that will be successful you have to first find a real problem to solve!

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