I want to create a SaaS product but I don’t have a technical background, where should I start?


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I have solved a lot of problems for businesses in my management consulting career and I have some really cool Excel Models that I would like to turn into SaaS products. I don’t have a technical background so I’m curious where the best place would be to start and what to look out for so I don’t get taken advantage of. I would prefer to pay someone to develop rather than learning coding. Any recommendations?
@estherann I'd explore some of the nocode options like bubble, noodl, etc. r/nocode should point you in the right direction.

For something simple like this I think you can get up and running within a month.
@estherann I have an MVP development agency that I run with my partner. We ship out fullstack apps for 5k a piece. Why so inexpensive? We're betting on your success in the long run for possibility of ongoing development work. DM me if you'd like to learn more.
@estherann See if you are solving a real problem for users with a no code tool (r/nocode). If you cant build your MVP with no code, its very likely that you are thinking to complicated. If you find customers using and paying for your no code solution: Find a technical co-founder.

Depending on your vision and complexity I could have fun helping you to build your mvp and also later on (I am technical). Shoot me a dm if you want to talk more😊
@estherann As a professional with an entrepreneurial spirit, I completely understand your desire to turn your Excel models into a SaaS product. While not having a technical background can seem daunting, there are definitely viable paths forward.

One approach I would strongly recommend is finding a technical co-founder to partner with. This person could handle the technical implementation while you focus on the business strategy, customer acquisition, and other essential non-technical aspects. Reaching out to your network or exploring platforms like AngelList could be a great way to connect with potential co-founders.

Alternatively, the no-code/low-code space offers some excellent options that may be worth exploring. Nocode tools like Blaze allow you to build web applications with minimal coding knowledge, here is a quick guide on this: How to Become a No-Code Startup | Blaze
@estherann Get it developed using No-Code. U can get ure mvp developed within 1-2 months by experienced developers , such as myself. it will cost 5000$. Once u get validated and have more than 20-30 000 users. u have the resources to hard code and scale it. Shoot me dm ?
@estherann Kindly DM us

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Nexus AI Innovations - IT Services and Consulting
@estherann There are lots of no-code solutions out there.

I think you are in the right place because there are tons of technical people with amazing coding skills.

The problem is they don't have the right ideas for SaaS products that people would actually want to subscribe to.

It has been my experience that the big challenge with the SaaS industry is not a shortage of technical talent.

There are tons of people that are able to create amazing tools.

That's not the issue.

This talent can be sourced from all over the world.

The big shortage is of ideas that people would actually pay for.

There are lots of ideas that sound good and get people all pumped up, but they end up with a failed product when their ideas are actually implemented.

So it's really important to use your management consulting experience to filter out what the ideas are out there in your field and correlate that with actual market demand.

Also, pay close attention to what people say versus what they actually do.

This is a dead giveaway because a lot of people can set you off on a wild goose chase because they keep talking about the stuff they need.

But in reality, they wouldn't spend a dime on that kind of product.

They will spend an arm and leg for another kind of product which is closely related.

So when doing product idea research, think along these lines.

There is a big difference between what people say and what they actually do.