I work for a D list celebrity

@thislittlelightofmine Hum if a job at target would pay more I guess this job provides you with a little money while working from home

Bright side : a penny in your pocket is better than a penny not in your pocket.

Down side : The boss used you to make his/her delusional business idea come to reality.

To make things happen, there is a need for a budget, even minimal and cheap stuff costs overtime.

You have a choice.

Play along with the boss' delusion while working to get another job. A sub called overemployed could be of help.

Or you just quit...

Be careful, crasy clients / bosses with no budget have a tendency to work on surroundings'self confidence and grit. Don't fall in that obvious trap

No budget, no optimism, only sweat works and the person just delegated that endeavor to you.
@thislittlelightofmine Why are you still there? Dust off your resume and use this as a stepping stone to a much better job. And never, ever work for anyone who doesn't treat you like absolute gold. It's not worth it, no matter what the salary. I stayed in a position for three years with an absolute sadist whose only purpose was to make her staff cry as often as possible. I thought I was strong, very strong, but that stuff creeps in to your bones, your heart and your soul. Never compromise on that one point.
@leras Yeah, every time I propose hiring someone to do a project thats needed they tell me a famous quote or saying in business that ā€œ if I have to write a check to fix a problem then I just created a bigger problemā€. They said I need to barter with people. Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m bartering with though?

The coffee table book Iā€™m helping to publish for exampleā€”they want me to give a few free copies to the graphic designer working on it as a payment.

I canā€™t help but feel like maybe Iā€™m not good at doing my job. Like maybe Iā€™m missing something.
@thislittlelightofmine Raise your head up above the details of this one particular problem and see the bigger picture: they don't deserve you, they're ultimately going to fail, and you need to move on as soon as possible. Don't spend any more time ruminating on how to navigate projects with them. Start looking for another job. Don't waste your time.

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