I'm a B2B SaaS startup marketer. Share your SaaS & I'll provide 1 potential marketing tip specific to your business


New member
Hi! As the title suggests, I'd be happy to share some of my marketing know-how with those looking to grow their SaaS.

Who: I'm a B2B SaaS marketer who has been part of 3 startups including 2 successful acquisitions. Most of my experience is bootstrapped & with very little marketing budget.

I have specifically worked in the MarTech space — marketing for marketing products — which has given me double the exposure to everything marketing tools & insights.

Why: I understand how difficult marketing can be without a budget + if you are not from a marketing background. A a show of good grace (and maybe some good karma), I'd like to help others in the same position!

How: Here's what to do...
  • Comment your SaaS product/website
  • I'll share one marketing tip/channel/idea with you
  • If applicable, I'll add in recommended tools and resources
Note: I am currently working on my own project (a tool that automatically product videos with product updates). I will always disclose if I suggest our tool for you. Please let me know if you want to learn more, I'll send a DM.

Looking forward to seeing your products! 🚀


Edit on Jan 4, 2024: Thanks everyone for sending your products & websites, it was really cool to see! I had a lot of fun doing this.

I responded to about 50+ comments yesterday. Since my intention was to provide specific advice, including a quick review, each response took quite a bit of time. That said, I have now paused giving responses.

Unfortunately, given the overwhelming (thank you) engagement, I was not able to get to everyone — I am sorry about this! For those I was able to respond to, I hope my advice helped! I will try to do this again in a couple weeks or so.

Lastly, as I mentioned above and throughout this thread, I am part of the team at Spectacle.

I would LOVE for you all to check out what we've built. It's pretty cool and made exclusively for SaaS companies to easily create and maintain product videos. Thanks!

⚠️ Try it FREE here: https://spectaclehq.com/
Logging off for the day — thank you everyone for sharing so far, I've really enjoyed doing this! Like so much fun for me.

Please keep sharing your SaaS & I'll be sure to get back tomorrow.

I'm an SEO-nerd so this is so, so cool to see! Congrats on your launch and progress!

The SEO community is very active & engaged. I would definitely start there with talking to people and getting your tool out there.

Some communities to check out would be:
  • /bigseo (Reddit)
  • Women in tech SEO (group/newsletter)
  • BrightonSEO (event/community)
There's several, several more but this are ones off the top of my head that I've had a positive experience with.

I'd start with just making yourself part of the conversations happening there. Then, if possible, explore sponsoring newsletters/events hosted by these groups.
@lovelikeyou Hey, I have a question,
we need to add inlinky js to the page, then it will inject the links. If the links are being inject by js, then these will not be the part of initial page source, so how come it will help in SEO. as the search engine bots will fetch the initial page souce html?
Am I missing something here?
Thanks in advance
@christiangirl4life Hey - great question! The shift in technology (client-side rendered apps) has forced Google to render JavaScript on the pages to actually "see" their real content. This has been around for years:

"Googlebot parses the rendered HTML for links again and queues the URLs it finds for crawling. Google also uses the rendered HTML to index the page." ~ https://developers.google.com/searc...seo-basics#how-googlebot-processes-javascript

its well visualized in this diagram: https://developers.google.com/static/search/docs/images/googlebot-crawl-render-index.png

and because of that links that are injected by inlinky are fully compliant with SEO rules and are indexed by Google.

Both js script and links data are served from multiple edge locations (we use AWS Cloudfront) to have the minimal latency possible for all your website viewers.
@christiangirl4life seems like Bing renders some JS but "there are limitations". Cannot be 100% sure about that. What I can say is the total weight of running inlinky is 1-3 kb per page (1kb for loading the script, and ~2kb for fetching links data).

"Bing can process JavaScript, however, there are limitations to processing JavaScript at scale while minimizing the number of HTTP requests. Bing recommends Dynamic Rendering to switch between client-side rendered and pre-rendered content for specific user agents such as Bingbot, especially large web sites."

@joseppi Thanks for sharing! Seems you have the basics down with landing pages & your blog started. Great!

I did a quick Google search for "HTML to Image". Your site ranked #2 under another site that was almost identical in offering (https://htmlcsstoimage.com/).

I would suggest doing some Google searches for this site and see where they are mentioned. For example, I can see that there's been a video tutorial featuring their tool here:
. Use this as inspiration for potential options for a) links/mentions b) partner programs c) affiliates and referrals.

Having content beyond your own website is not only good for generating traffic, it's a major trust signal in the customer journey. Doing this reverse-search is a good starting point.

Hope this helps!
@lamb7 Hi! Thanks for sharing!

As noted, my experience in B2C is limited. You'll be competing in a tough crowded job board space so having a nice, user-friendly website will be essential.

My advice for at least the website part would be a simple facelift. Having a few better graphics, more modern CTA/help center buttons, few more landing pages will make a big difference.

Stated in original post, I have a product but I'll always disclose when mentioning it. I think this could be helpful to create demo videos for you: https://spectaclehq.com/
@ilovejesus123 Hi there! Thanks for sharing — your site is very clean and loaded very quickly for me. Well done!

I am not sure if there was an error on my end, but the blog button in the bottom did not work for me. Given that your product is all about content, I would definitely suggest focusing here and making sure your site is an example of what you are offering — quality content.

Short term: Get your (content marketing) blog in a very, very solid place.

Long term: Adding a free content-themed lead gen tool on your site. This could be simplified version of your product where people submit a tweet, then you provide 3-4 top content ideas that expand on the submitted tweet for an article idea. Look at Hubspot for how they apply this marketing strategy: https://www.hubspot.com/resources/t...bspot.com/&hubs_content-cta=hsg-nav__box-link

Good luck!