INVESTORS - I NEED YOUR HELP! Help Shape the Future of Startup Investing


New member
Hello! I'm currently wrapping up my studies as a senior economics student, and I'm finishing up my dissertation on information asymmetry in startup investing. As I approach the final stretch, I'm reaching out to seasoned investors like you to lend a hand—or rather, your insights!

Here's the scoop: I've crafted a quick, 5-minute survey tailored specifically for startup investors. It's designed to shed light on how information asymmetry manifests and is managed across different investing stages. Whether you're into Bootstrapping, Crowdfunding/Accelerators, or you're an Angel Investor (sorry, VCs—maybe next time!), I've got a version just for you.

TL;DR: A 5 minute survey about information asymmetry in startup investing made for startup investors, split into 3 different variants for each investor group.

Your help is greatly appreciated! It's a small investment of your time that could significantly influence the effectiveness of startup investing strategies moving forward.

Bootstrapping investor survey:
Crowdfunding/Accelerator investor survey:
Angel investor survey:

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