Is $5,000 cheap for building a SaaS?


New member
I'm just curious what the average is for developers to charge you to build them a SaaS - I was just quoted $5,000 from a developer is that the average or is it low or high?
@dillon1886 Is $5,000 cheap for building a website? For buying a car? For buying a pair of shoes? For a vacation?

IT DEPENDS, as always.

ChatGPT text generator probably costs about $300 on Fiverr with a landing page included.

Make duplicate? Half a mil wouldn't get you started.

Edit: Make as in the automation tool called Make.
@dillon1886 It's like asking is $5000 the average to buy a car. If you don't have a spec, nobody should be offering a price. We have no idea if you want a gas car, electric, or maybe hybrid with AI self driving. An F1 race car, or beat up junk mobile. Without specifics it's impossible.

$5000 is closer to junk mobile prices, or small RC car.
@dillon1886 Depends. We started at that $5000 price for our boutique, two-man agency a few months ago. Some agencies start at lower prices when starting out (despite having multiple years in the industry).

Now that we completed 3 projects (and nearing our fourth), we increased our pricing to $7500 for an MVP. When we complete 4 more, this will go to 10k. And so on.

For the companies we built MVPs for, we were highly selective. We chose to build at that price point to not only get our customers fast but also stay with them for ongoing work (which did convert to additional work past MVP).

I'm a software developer btw. So I know very well I am charging way to low compared to my day salary. But to get initial clients at a good pace without paid ads or anything, this was the approach I chose.

You'll see alot of software devs quote a project for an MVP as some porportion of their actual salary and that isn't realistic for smaller, niche agencies like mine that are starting out. Neither is it realistic for a small time businessman (our clients) that just want a simple MVP to test their idea out while they keep their day jobs. Those people have families. They aren't gonna shell out 30k for anything.

Every business starts somewhere. The guy quoting you 5k might also be somewhere in between in this mindset. Whether it's right or wrong? That's a different convo. But be sure to vet him by checking out the work they have done.

We're also USA based, if that matters.
@tpop123 I do brand messaging, digital marketing brand strategy consulting, build your messaging strategy, build your storytelling with branding, build growth funnels with scaling your startup for you to acquire targeted qualified B2B leads, sales, clients, profits, referrals, advocates, and promoters.

What do you do on Reddit to get clients?
@dillon1886 depends on the complexity. I charge $5000 for 30 days (frontend, backend, and everything else) as long as it is doable in 30 days. I usually get in the call with the clients before starting and come to the agreement on how much work is doable in 30 days and how many hours it will take approximately.

It comes down the reasonable milestones and honoring them. For an MVP $5000 (and 30 days) is enough.

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