Is being an entrepreneurship worth it if I'm already a doctor?

@ojhn0010 Is the consulting easy and scalable? If yes, find some people to help you and scale it. If not, spend your time else where and let that large income work for you. Don’t chase pennies.

Best thing you can do is keep your daily expenditure down right off the bat, invest in a few good opportunities and have 3-5 cash flowing investments. My biggest regret was spending at the level I was earning and had minimal room for investing. Had to scale down and then things started clicking.
@ojhn0010 There’s a ceiling on physician salaries, even at the PP level where you profit share. Entrepreneurs have no ceiling but also have no floor lol. The benefit is that many businesses can run themselves at a certain point and you’d have to work a lot less than a physician does.

You should work in PP for a while, save up some starter money, think on it while working the consulting thing.

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