i'Ve gOt nO eXpErIeNcE, cAn i sTaRt aN aGeNcY? OPEN YOUR EYES, kids!

@fraankfrnk True, my last company one of the first dudes ended up being a fucking idiot pretending he was hot shit.

Revenue share agreement, 20% of any revenue generated by his “agency’s” adds was their fee, and he bombed hard, ended up wasting our money by dialling FB and Instagram adds up on shitty adds that ended up being reworking of our own older adds…

So many people reaching out including people trying to sell us a new website.. not even having taken the time to research if we have one or what it is about.

I understand “the hustle and grind” but damn it people, 4 minutes of research and they’d know enough to at least seem competent.
@fraankfrnk I just want to congratulate you for how you managed to grow your business.
I'm also from RO but my mistake was to get only clients from RO who are bad payers and always want some work extra contract and with no additional payment.
@fraankfrnk Whenever I get on a sales call/pitch, one of the first few things I say is “when I worked at ***** company as a product manager of eCom (a really cool company in canada doing like 50mil in sales from ecom in north america), we did this, bleh bleh bleh. Just like O/P I worked 10 years in eCom in canada doing 9 to 5s.

This one statement Immediately increases the chances of closing the deal by at least 30% imo.

I 100% agree about the reputation going to shit for marketing agencies. Too many noobs who just started out without working a day in the industry.
@fraankfrnk Absolutely agree. Figures like Iman Gadzhi muddled the market with opportunists who lack real expertise. They promise services they can’t deliver, and when they can't do it themselves they'll gladly outsource it to the cheapest (and most likely equally unexperienced) 'jeet' they can find, adding fuel to an already frustrating fire for all parties involved. It's no wonder trust is hard to come by...

Keep delivering results, as you noticed you'll have clients for life.
@fraankfrnk Totally agree. I clicked on a gurus ad once and now I get swamped on all platforms. It’s like the old affiliate marketing or dropshipping ads. Sad to see so many people jumping on the guru train, even some marketers that I respect.
@fraankfrnk Thanks for common sense man in this nonsense market.

I left my job because of my copywriting journey... After 1 year, ZERO clients mostly because as you have mentioned... NO F EXPERIENCE!

Now I'm getting back to a job so I can have some income and in free time find gigs or part-time jobs for my copywriting passion.

Was I hot-headed because my job sucked?Yes.
Was I an idiot to quit my job so easily in that particular moment? Definitely.
@fraankfrnk It happened in other fields. Programming is another. 15 years ago, to be a self-taught programmer was an admirable thing and signaled drive, ambition, and a genuine love for the craft.

Now it's an anti-signal after all the bootcamps promising people six-figure salaries after going through their six weeks course.
Another reason why you should never Pay a young, beginner up front is that no matter how hard working or honest they are. They will make honest mistakes on your dollar

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