Just made my first dollar with my SaaS after quitting my job for it


New member
(24M) I quitted my job in Feb, but already started building this product last October with my friends

Private Beta launch in last November got around 1k users

Public Beta launch in Feb, number of users spiked exponentially

But brutally journey, still made a total of 0 dollars

4 days ago, got the 1st monthly subscription user! But it was a false alert, the user made a mistake, he wanted to pay for an add-on in our product, not the core service. Got the money, but not the validation for the product

Self doubt accumulated. Considered changing path, discussed how to get new users

Made a big update today, fixed all the bugs early users complaints, released the most-wanted features.

Sent email to all users about the big updates 6 hours ago

Went for a walk

Came back home and holy sh, 1st yearly subscription user!!! Cannot believe my eyes! Yearly!?

This feels good! Super, super good!

Self-doubt is disappearing

I know we still have a lot to go but this small step matters

Big learning: Before trying to target new users, listen to current ones, do the things they need, then communicate it to them, show them you care. Best of luck to y'all!
@boysitinhnd94 Do an accessibility review of the landing page, the color contrast of some elements and images is not ideal, there’s a lot of white spaces/padding that could be reduced.

I’d work on improving the homepage design:)

Good luck
@forever_catholic Ah, it was not just launched got 1k. I opened the private beta from October till Feb and got a total of 1k. Lots of grinding man, I don't have the audience beforehand: cold reach out, linkedin, product hunt, community… thats a big topic to cover

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