Lessons from 139 YC AI startups (S23)

@yorklu Thanks for taking the time to write and share this. It’s a very insightful read.

I have seen a few developments with Llama 2, where one shifted from being better than chat to being better than Claude based on your own information. I can’t really share much to compare, so it seemed kind of a moot point.

I wonder what impact Sam Altman will have on OpenAI, bridging the gaps that current startups and potential startups perceive when they write their first line of code.

Of the startups you’ve encountered, which ones have been your favourite and why?

Also, this content would be great on LinkedIn. I have seen a few posts that YC has shared where the latest batch members get featured.
@yorklu Speaking of AI....if there was an API that you sent live audio (voice/text2speech/etc) and out the other end was live video (think Synthesia avatars but live) would you pay $1/min?

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