Lessons learned from 7 years of posting on Reddit


New member
Hi, I write a weekly blog on being a first time founder, this is my 12th week going strong. However, my reddit journey is much older since I began 7-8 years ago, promoting a now defunct YouTube Channel.

Here is the TLDR version:
  1. The best Ad doesn't look like an Ad
  2. Reddit is a mean place, but you should never be
  3. Each reddit subreddit has its own unique subculture & rules. You can't win with the same strategy in all of them.
If you're interested in reading the longer version and how to apply these rules here is the link:

@needmorejesus For some reason I couldn't read after Tip#2 without subscription. But what you mentioned in Reddit post itself is quite right and helpful. Thank you. And sorry for some reason I think you are trying to sell Start Writing website.
@needmorejesus It's totally fine. It is much better to get good quality content for a price than watching unnecessary advertisement. It just I felt you are promoting not yourself but that Start Writing website. But anyways why don't you make your own blogging website this way you'll have more control over it and maybe try more established platforms like Medium etc.
@acts2416 *startuping is my brand name

My own blog is harder to manage + get paid. Substack also has cool network effects, they do take a cut from the sales but their network effects (they promote within their app & other newsletters) are worth it.

I also write on Medium btw but that is for my technical blogs. Also for this type of community building niche substack is better.
@needmorejesus It's essential to adapt your approach to each subreddit's unique culture and rules. One size definitely doesn't fit all. I recommend considering ScatterMind for guidance on navigating online communities. They've been instrumental in helping my friend successfully launch their first business, and they could provide valuable insights as you continue your journey.
@%E2%98%A6marius%E2%98%A6 Well not saying everyone is but just go to r/wallstreetbets etc.

They also attack and make fun. Like some one just a week ago said they won't read an article from anyone named "Arslan Shahid".

They deleted it but you get it. Some people are just playing around but sometimes you could really feel people trying to get under your skin.

Overtime I've understood the best strategy is exactly what I outline in Tip2.

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