Link whisper for those who use Google Docs and Publish to WordPress


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Reduce your SEO Internal Linking efforts - Save 2 hours per post​

This is for bloggers, who write in Google Docs and publishing to WordPress.

  • Manually finding keywords and adding internal links is time-consuming. But it is important for SEO.
  • Adding the “Related articles” at the end of the posts is important to keep readers in the site and increase dwell time. But finding the related posts manually also takes time.
Solution: If you are writing in Google Docs and publishing to WordPress, "Docs to WP Pro" automates these tasks, saving you 95% of the effort.

Demo video: YouTube Link

Here's how it works:
  1. Write in Google Docs: Focus on creating great content collaboratively.
  2. Click a button: The tool finds relevant keywords and adds internal links in seconds.
  3. See related posts: Get suggestions for relevant related posts with helpful metrics such as Relevance score, Number of existing internal links, post last updated on: Sample Image
  4. Set focus keyword and optimize your post using the suggestions. The Focus keyword and Meta data will be published.
  5. Publish: Publish directly to WordPress, including metadata.
Bonus features:
  • Automatic image compression & alt text using AI
Perfect for:
  • Bloggers who use Google Docs and Publish to WordPress
  • Anyone who wants to save time on SEO
For more details refer App Home page

I’m looking for power users to experience the tool and provide suggestions.

To those who use and provide feedback, I’ll give 50% off for the first 3 months.

Please submit your feedback using this link.

Thank you very much in advance.

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