My 1st simplified startup note 🏭🗒️ on Eric Ries's talk on "Lean startup" at LSE is here .


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Almost a week ago , I created a form where people could sign up for my notes on podcasts and books related to entrepreneurship & entrepreneurs , which I called as "simplified startup notes" , because my main idea behind it was to simplify and decrease down the size of 1-hour long podcasts or 200 page book to an article which can be read in between 10-30 minutes.

Today I published , my first simplified startup note based on Eric Ries's talk on lean startups atLondon school of Economics , which you can read on either Medium or Google Docs . I have tried to decrease the 70 minute talk into almost 7 minutes.

If you like the note then you could sign up to get the next note delivered at email , then you can sign up using Google Forms . To be honest , only 8 people have signed up for it till now , but I am still happy about it.

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