My Bootstrapped Startup Went From $0 To $4.8 Million in 8 Months Ask Me Anything


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My startup WalletWize went from an idea about 8 months ago back in June 2023 to $4.8 Million valuation ask me anything you have questions on

8 Months ago I went from an idea back in June 2023 to a $4.8 Million valuation my app is basically an Ai-powered budgeting app for young professionals who are looking to create budgets and learn anything finance related to build a better future financially for themselves after about 8 months we haven't even launched and have missed launch dates about 4 times now because my frontend team hasn't finished creating screens

at this point I'm pretty delusional so I think I can comfortably say that I've build this app on my own and bootstrapped it to $4.8 million

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