My business got closed down and now everything is going downhill

@jameskc Yes customers are number one thing and try to do lunch or dinner catering initially where you will have flow of orders once they are satisfied ask for feedback and ask. For referrals. You are in business as long as you have profitable customers. This time join local start up advisor or accelerator and ask for all advice for set up will. Save you tons of time in making mistakes.

Once you have revenue coming focus completely in the business on how you can outreach and scale without compromising the quality.
@jameskc I’ll bet you could raise the 3k right here on this Reddit forum. Do a fundraiser. Let’s go.

I don’t think it’s allowed here, but you could get most of the way there if you offered to pay people back with a meal even if you can promise nothing else (but their money back if you fail).

I want to hear you start taking like you’re in a fight for your survival and that reply was not it.

That was, “but it’s going to take me a while,” aka, “buuuut it’s haaaaard.” It’s as hard as you make it. Get back on the horse.

Take immediate and extreme action and make it happen. Not later. Not slowly.

3k is possible in 1 day, or at least a week if you get going.

If I were in your position, I would sell special dinners to people to raise the money or something similar. For 50, 100, 250 and $500 investments in my food truck business you get different levels of rewards. $50 buys you 100 worth of food once it’s back. 100 does 225. 250 is a catered dinner for 4 at their house. 500 buys you a discount for life.

I would offer them a free meal for all the investors when the business reaches its goal — a thank you dinner — and I would get people behind me being successful and a way that would actually matter to them.

I would offer them a chance to be part of my second act. You can do the same thing.

You can go to 30 people and raise $100 bucks.

Every business has times like this. You’re going to get bullied, you’re going to lose, you’re going to get your ass kicked by bigger competitors, and the only thing that you are in control of is how you react when shit goes to hell.

Right now you’re not in the mindset of someone who is going to come back swinging and win it.

You’re in the mindset of somebody who is trying to recover from getting their ass kicked. That’s not it.

It is time for you to get creative, get amped up on coffee, and get your ass out there and raise that money in the next couple of days. I’ll bet you could have it all done by the end of this weekend by getting out there and talking to everyone you know asking for help.

You do a fundraiser, and you offer a chance for future discounts and a special meal that only you can make that makes sense. Find the deal that we get people to give you a 20, 50, or 100. That’s it. That’s a plan.

That’s a hell of a lot better than grinding for weeks and months while everything sits.

And I’m sure the people on this form could give you 10 times better advice than I have. But it’s so critical right now, you have to go slowly you’re going to lose. You’ve got to get your ass in gear and make it happen.

With love and respect.
@matthewck To say that this made me tear up is an understatement, I always fought for my own things and im sure im not the only one that life kicks so hard that has you wondering is it worth it? I don't wanna make excuses for myself, I really don't, my mind is just out of control at the given time but you are right, I need to move instead on just crying in a corner... I'm gonna take your advice, I do have 3 pop up events soon, and I am selling cameras, an ipad, might even sell my apple watch even.

Thank you.
@jameskc Don’t you love the helpful suggestions to just get 3k together or get a loan. Bills are more than income, how do you save 3k? No steady income, you can’t get a loan. Yes you do need to get 3k or a steady job for a loan, but some people don’t have family or resources to ‘just go get 3k’ easily. Keep at it brother.
@matthewck Yes. This is a bump in the road. Take one step back. Slow down. Gather new capital w/ other work. Move two steps forward at a new location in the future. You will get there. Keep going.
@jameskc How quickly can you pay it back if you got 3k? If you have good credit you can get a small line of credit from a credit union.
Or, if you have credit cards and can make the loan back before a statement close, you can do that with no interest.
@blezzed american express business cards won't have interest if you're able to pay it all off at the end of the month. it might be worth checking that out.
@jameskc Along the lines of kingflippa, there are also microfunding groups as an alternative to a formal line of credit or using CC's. I don't know enough to recommend a particular or set of such microfunding sites to look into, but you may be able to get enough initial capital at a decent enough rate over a sufficient period (say, paid back within 6mo) to really re-establish yourself again. I don't know if microlending sites check into your personal credit score the same way more traditional institutions do, but the crowdfunding aspect of microfunding may mitigate that factor if you have a low/no credit score.

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