My FFmpeg wrapper for macOS made $8K in 3 months

@zachariahs Building in public it the opposite of how products are built usually. It's not only about posting updates, but also about getting feedback on what you are building, so you know to build the right things that people actually want. Big companies almost never build in public. Take Apple for example, did they ever write an article/post/tweet about their current struggles building Vision Pro, whether the cable to your pocket will be too annoying? No, they build in secrecy, use focus groups and their own judgment to create the optimal product.

So, which is better, building in public or in secret?

I'd say for solopreneurs to small teams it's better to build in public because it also acts as a marketing strategy and creates trust. If you are a big company which has huge distribution channels and is afraid of competitors, probably better off building in secret with a big marketing release at the end.
@sarah100 Awesome! I've also built an app on top of FFMPEG, mainly for the browser. How did you post on Twitter? With your personal account or did you create a specific compessx account? Would love some advice. And well done!
@sarah100 really great Landing page, very Apple Esque. If you were to start a twitter from the ground up, what advice would you have to get traction? :)
@scottd Thanks, the landing page was made possible by help from Twitter community 😁 There are different strategies to start Twitter from the ground up. Try to interact with people more, share with them what you're building or learning. Replying in posts like "Replies what you're building below" will help a lot if you have less than 1K followers.