My people here are being compensated with huge amounts from around 1 million dollars to 8 million dollars.

@sirsebastian What are they buying so far? Cars, houses, investments, etc?

Litigation adjacent is also a good one lol.

Do they have process servers? One of those would do well since everyone should be suing each other soon since it's ancestral property. You have NRI too.
@sirsebastian Bro,
You need to invest that amount and ask all your friends and family to do the same as well.
I say put 15% FD in the bank, 15% for starting and running a business 15% in mutual funds and sips, 15% as savings in your bank account and the rest 40% invest in real estate.

Try r/personalfinanceindia

Also I’m happy to help you as an advisor.
@sirsebastian Look up ANCSA. The history of the Alaskan Native corporations is a fascinating read. A village could prosper if the people come together to invest in their future, given a windfall like this.
@sirsebastian Ask for more, require archeology be done as part of the same and donate any findings to the local museum, take your money, give it to someone who knows how to invest or just dump it all into Nvidia right now, get a job and forget about it for a while. When your boss is a kunt, buy the store and fire him.
@sirsebastian Good that you have realised a good business can be made with this new money
  1. First thing anyone does when they sell land is buy equal land elsewhere, do the research and find good nearby areas and goto those villages and do your research ... then casually talk to your Village people and propose these deals. You make 2% commission
  2. All villagers will build big houses and do construction where they plan to live. You can either turn into a building contractor or a material supplier.
Same way people may setup factories and warehouse and cold storage. Be the building contractor.
  1. Everyone will buy a big car and a motorcycle, you can pre cut a deal with the closest dealership and do a group deal and make 5%
  2. Everyone will want to settle their kids with education and business. It's just 500 families. Make a database of each child age and needs and help them setup factories, etc
  3. What is the agriculture produce in a 100km area. Setup a agro processing factory making jam, butter, chutney, sauce, etc.
Congrats and best of luck. This is a golden opportunity

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