My people here are being compensated with huge amounts from around 1 million dollars to 8 million dollars.


New member
My people are being compensated for selling their ancestoral lands, villages and farms to govt. Agencies for building dams. A friend of mine, his family got compensated around 7 crores Indian rupees that would amount around 9 millions USD.

My town is a population of just about 20,000 population and suddenly with these compensations from the govt. amounting approx 200 crores Indian rupees in total there's such suddenly shifts in all spheres. Especially the business sector.

Please recommend me of businesses I can venture into to tap these money. To give the scenario, my town lacks even showrooms. People here haven't shifted to internet totally yet. We may be the first generation adepting to internet.
@1eswesnusa2 Agreed with this. The amounts you’re talking about are significant transfers of wealth. These people will need help to preserve and make it grow. Become and advisor and connector for them to help them put their wealth into safe and sound places/investments. Msg me if you’d like
@rayh Why run? Just make a new "totally safe" crypto coin, inflate the price, drain the liquidity and then cry about how it crashed and you lost everything along with everyone else.
@aksands00 While like with anything, there's fraud, it's a real thing in parts of India. "Ancestral properties" requires consent of 3 or 4 generations of family to sell. It's complex and sales can be held up years in litigation.
@sirsebastian We have a similar case here in Indonesia. Suddenly everybody is buying cars. Even when they can't drive...

But guess what, 3 years have passed, everybody goes back to their income level like before they get the money...

Be the wise man... Learn to invest. Don't take too much risk.

When you open a business, start small. Build experience first and scale up slowly...

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