My SaaS just crossed $1,000 in revenue in 4 months


New member
After being jobless from my high-paying job, I decided to build a Micro SaaS ofc.

With zero marketing and sales knowledge, I started building this tool - together wityayayyyf the best marketing geniuses I know. I Had no clue how it would perform or if we would get even a single sale.

Right after the launch, the server got a DDoS attack and I felt like I was done, better let's find a comfortable job, I can't build such a big product blah, blah, blah. The self-confidence touched the ground loll.

Fast forward to 4 months, my Saas just crossed $1000 in revenue.

It has taken nearly four months to achieve this milestone. Not sure if this timeframe is considered lengthy, but I am really happy about this small achievement. We worked a lot to improve the product in all possible ways considering the user feedback, and happy to say that it's on autopilot now.

Now I'm here, happy, jobless & motivated enough to build more, and have fun with what I am doing yayayyy 🥳
@drita Congratulations, I think you're almost ramen profitable depending on where you live, right?
How is the coupon offer going for you? Does it help conversion to show the 30% off coupon?
@drita PR agencies might be open to writing up the product and influencers maybe be open to running content for a cut of future revenue.

Market this to your education and researchers in UX design. A ton of companies are paying UserTesting thousands of dollars to turn video into speech to text and create summaries.

Create a research summer function and post the service in research LinkedIn forums! DM me if you wanna brain storm gritty GTM ideas.
@drita It is great to make some bucks, but the hard part is making it sustainable. I highly suggest listening to your current customers and adding a lot more features to stay ahead of the competition. With the current offering, anyone with a tech background can build the same in a couple of days.

We also built a comparable tool in under an hour using's no-code AI tool builder

disclaimer: I work at We are starting a new series where we re-build successful AI tools in the market using our no-code builder. DM me if you want to learn more or have any suggestions for the next AI tool

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