My SaaS just crossed $1,000 in revenue in 4 months

@beepete We target 3 usecases.
  1. People good with prompts building AI tools for others to use and selling in our marketplace.
  2. People who automate their personal/business flows with no intention of publishing publicly
  3. People who want to add AI capabilities to their existing sites by embedding toolmark tools (white label option)
We are still trying to figure out which ones make more sense and how to price each, but for now we have fixed pricing with N number of tokens to use the tools built by toolmark. Planning to change this based on our early adopters’ feedback and usecases
@ltcajh Right now, we are focusing on building useful AI tools to make sure we have all the necessary building blocks in our platform and addressing missing things. Will start marketing in a month or so
@drita Small wins but I am sure this will go a long way if you are able to improve the product, and are able to reach out more and more relevant users!
@drita That's awesome to hear about your SaaS success and your determination to keep improving it based on user feedback - keep up the great work! 🎉
@cluchcargo How large is your target audience? Are you selling to SMB, mid market, or enterprise? If the latter, odds are cold email outreach won’t work well.

You’ll want to try to leverage your network or build a network and start with warm relationships. Find businesses near you that would be a good fit and ask them to pilot for free for X term to get some feedback. Once you get an idea of what your market tells you your actual value props are, start with paid ads against those keywords/demographics. This is far more effective than email blasts.