Over 60% AI and over 70% B2B/SAAS for S23

@pmsh I think the bias towards AI/ML and SaaS makes a lot of sense even if the companies seems like an OpenAI wrapper product. Its mostly never about the idea, rather about the founders.
@mmmagana Yes, I can see that most are linked to OpenAI (which is also backed by YC) so they’re probably trying to create a network of some sort.
However, I really wonder how many of them will get actual PMF. There are so many tasks that can already be done with ChatGPT & Bard. Like the contract writers etc. With the right prompts, ChatGPT can make magic and I believe with time and more updates, it will become a powerhouse.
I know OpenAI talks about caring more about helping other AI companies and researchers but remember when they said their products will always be free?
At the end of the day, profit and investor ROI is what drives most companies and if any of these startups look like they will take market share from OpenAI, I expect the big boys to probably blitzscale another revolutionary product to maintain dominance.
@pmsh Every single one iv seen posted on linkedin seems to be 2 founder +. Well that's what I saw from it anyways. Best to go and find a co-founder because us single founder don't stand a chance 😄
@lemoreq It’s a fair criticism. I think they care, just not enough to do any extra work to turn it around. Their numbers over time for black or Latino led companies seem to be decreasing.
@romane91 There are other accelerators that actually care about that and it shows if you look at their track record. To be honest I don't mind if they don't care about it, it's their choice and I don't think people can judge them. But if you don't really care about it enough to do something about it, not sure if it's worth mentioning.

I don't mean to hate on YC or anything, just my 2 cents on this topic.