Personal Assistant for the Self-Employed to Reach Goals

Hey there,

We are doing everything we can to help contractors (like rideshare drivers) get better transparency around their finances. My business partner and I have quit our jobs for this mission. As contractors and drivers ourselves, we believe that we deserve better.

Monett is the personal assistant for the self-employed to reach their goals.

• Multiple jobs? Combine all your earnings in one place

• Boost income, cut taxes

• Level up your ratings and tips

• We support 9,600 banks and 14 marketplaces


What if I no longer contract or drive?

No problem, we can save you hours preparing last year’s taxes!

What if I’m not actively monitoring my finances?

We got you. We can help track other work goals, such as improving your driver rating, or reaching 40 hours a week worked!
@bethany123itsmeeeee Sounds promising! Though some app screenshots on the site would help me, as a viewer, better understand how you can help me exactly.

I'm working on an app that helps the same target market. Happy to chat more offline about this!

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