Profit & Loss Thread?


New member
Is anyone interested in a thread where we share images of our P&Ls, maybe with anything sensitive blocked out, for like the last 365 days broken down by month?

We can each include a short statement of generally what the business is and one or two other facts that might help others?

I like to geek out about small business/sweaty startup numbers and would love to see how margins compare across industries, what people spend on marketing, growth rates etc.

I will start one with my info if this gets positive feedback. It’s just an idea I had while having a beverage so figured I’d throw it out there.
@leprechaunsel Not sure if you’re new here, but this sub (along with other entrepreneurial subs) rarely post P&L’s. Revenue sure, but never pure P&L’s. If they do post their full breakdown, they generally did pretty good job (I’d say the minority here) and are looking for free marketing, selling a course, etc.
@lethiminyourheart Too bad. Do you know of a better site or community online where people actually like to share and learn from each other as opposed to just fluff (ie just showing off revenue numbers but no profit discussions) and marketing (selling a course)? This sub was the closest I’ve found.
@leprechaunsel I think if you got the ball rolling it would probably encourage others to do so. Not sure you need to go by month though... P&L for 2020 would be pretty interesting, along with a brief description of the business.