Questions from our S23 Interview


New member
For anyone still prepping, I thought I'd share our questions from our interview yesterday.

For some context: We're b2c freemium saas, main user base academics, launched with revenue, two person team. This was our 2nd interview for the same idea.
  1. Tell us what you're building
  2. Tell me how you got people to use it
  3. What are the metrics you use to track how it's growing?
  4. What makes them want to come back and use this?
    4a. Are they mostly academics or do some work in industry? Do you have any corporate use?
  5. Tell me about the business model - how much do you charge right now?
  6. How does this become a large company?
    6a. (We mentioned experiments with selling to corporate teams) How would you get those teams to pay a higher price point?
  7. Tell me about the backend - how does it work?
    7a. How does this become defensible?
  8. Is there anything else you can apply this for that would be more valuable - that people would pay more money for?
  9. How do you split up the work between the two of you?
  10. What are the big changes or things you've learned since we last saw you?
  11. When did monetization come in?
  12. How much progress do you think you can make by the end of summer?
Good luck!!!
@aspiegrace I’m building a B2C EdTech product. I applied to YC but got rejected last year. I’ve since pivoted (slightly) to another set of B and Cs but still in EdTech. I’m just starting the sales process.
Do you mind if I DM you with some questions?
@nighthawk4824 We were 2 months in when we first interviewed, and my cofounder interviewed the batch before with a different idea. They told us that they wanted to see that we would stick with it.

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