Rejected, Fintech, over U$100k MRR, started 11 months ago. 3 strong co-founders, 2 recommendations from ex-YC’s


New member
I just received rejection email (non 10%), I’m building a fintech in Brazil & LATAM for Cross Border Payment Processing, small team (9 people, including 3 co-founders), nice traction (from 0 to U$100k+ MRR in 10 months, and 30+ clients) and low costs (U$25k/month).

We are already generating cash (around U$75k/month) and I got 2 recommendations from old friends that was accepted at YC, also some others founders reviewed my application and said it was strong, so I was thinking about having a good interview chance, but not happened.

My primary goal with YC would be the B2B connections (make more business) and also raise faster.

So I was discussing with my co-founders if we should bootstrap or try to raise with VC’s (3 of them reached out to us and we already talked).

Let’s advance and keep building 💪💪
@anwen If you do want to raise, RIGHT NOW. That’s really great traction for a seed round and a 3-5m on 25m is not out of the question. I say raise right now as something is clearly working and it may be working less well in 3 months so capture some capital to give yourself the breathing room to experiment.
@anwen 100k MRR? Dude YC is not for you 😂 you’re a big boy, go raise a seed round from a big name venture firm. Yc is ideation Stage to light traction not 1.2 million ARR lol