Rejected, Fintech, over U$100k MRR, started 11 months ago. 3 strong co-founders, 2 recommendations from ex-YC’s

@anwen Sounds nice, that’s weird you were not invited for an interview. Anyway, you better go fundraising, you’ll make it for sure.

Also a quick question if I may: VC’s reached you or you did? If they, then how did they heard about you?

@wingnut0731 We explained that we were not raising at the moment, but we would prepare for it very soon. They liked the numbers and product, asked us to keep them updated.
@anwen Hey! We were also rejected (non 10%), B2B Saas, 3 recommendations from ex-YC's. We are building an Influencer Marketing platform in Brazil. We should chat!
@anwen My guess is:
  • your valuation might be too high. YC aims to invest at a $7M-ish cap. With $75K MRR you are heading towards a series A with a $12M to $20M valuation.
  • Fintech lost its interest from SF venture funds. They are all talking about AI and nothing else. As an AI founder i can acknowledge this.
So i have never been accepted to YC so this is guesswork, but i think some YC alumni here will recognise what i am referring to.