Rejected, Fintech, over U$100k MRR, started 11 months ago. 3 strong co-founders, 2 recommendations from ex-YC’s

@anwen Why, just why ... world you give up 10% of your company for ~5months of revenue. That itself makes me suspicious that either you are stupid, dishonest or both.
@luanvan24 We know, if we were approved at YC we would discuss if we would accept it or just use the accepting letter to help to raise easier from VC’s at a higher valuation.
@anwen The market is not the best to raise, but if you can get good terms then why not. But if you can afford to wait, think about what you can achieve in 3-6m and how much you could raise then.
@anwen Generic advice on here isnt helpful to you. Need to have more context as to how you want to grow the business to let you know. What is success to you?