Showing you how to monitor specific keywords on Reddit


New member
Hello everyone,

More and more SaaS startups rely on Reddit to monitor their brand, watch competitors, find new customers... If you are a developer yourself, it is possible to build a short program that monitors specific keywords on Reddit. Let me show you how.

In order to get the last 100 Reddit posts, you should make a GET HTTP request to the following API endpoint:

In order to get the last 100 Reddit comments, you should make a GET HTTP request to the following API endpoint:
The response from these API endpoints is a JSON object that contains a list of posts or comments. You can then look for the "selftext" keys that actually contain the content of the last submission, and then perform a simple keyword search on this content. Then it's only a matter of fetching the last data on a regular basis.

If you want more details about how to achieve Reddit monitoring, I just made an article about that:

I guess that some of your already knew about these API endpoints, but for those who didn't I hope the above was helpful!
