Step by step guide on how to open a pressure washing business - make $2k a week with $2k startup cost

@novitativa You definitely shouldn’t charge by the square footage of the home. It’s going to take less time to clean a 3,500 sqft 1 story home than a 2000 sqft 2 story home. Doing this is how you get yourself into situations where you have underbid the project.
@613jono So easy to charge by sq Ft of a home. Soooo easy. You can pull sq footage from the internet and check with Google maps to see if you need to change pricing based on siding type or ease of access or other variables.

Idk where you’re seeing 3500 sq ft 1 story homes dude, but if you live in an area with weird architecture then you can take that into account.

Automation and streamlining processes is very important. You don’t want to be out looking at every house in person. I have customers put their house information into a tool that gives them a house wash price. If I need to adjust I can, but I almost never do.
@johnnythebaptist People do, but it's highly location dependent. Areas of high algae and mold require MUCH higher washing. I'm from the midwest, so at best I'm getting once a year washes. Living somewhere like Florida you'd have much higher potential to scale. There's a guy on youtube who opened a pressure washing business who does over a million a year.
@novitativa That’s awesome, keep it up. And I’d say if you want to double your calls then you should definitely invest in online marketing. Unless you have the actual time to learn it, which sounds like you don’t, you should invest in your business.

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