The reason's people don't get wealthy

@mariusk You ever heard of business school? Or are they not real businessmen because they aren't running "sweaty startups"? Is managing a division of a f500 not make them "business smart"? Or are we muddling the terms entrepreneurship and business?
@mariusk Fear of uncomfortable situations is definitely something I deal with. That and laziness. At the moment I’ve been beat down but I’m not giving up. I am analyzing and thinking about my next moves. I know where I want to be but how do I get there. Hard work, and embracing things that make me uncomfortable.
@prodiga I'm on you with the laziness aspect. I always wake up and thinking of all the great things I will do or learn but then comes a notification on the phone and that's it. Then I go to bed not feeling well because I just lost another day. One of the things I found really help me became more productive has waking up really early, but most important have already a plan for what you're doing that morning. Because if you make an extra effort to wake up early you are more likely to really do something. But man it's hard do wake up early 😅
@mariusk It’s not as simple as you make it sound. Maybe that’s your answer to the issues he raised but that isn’t how everyone thinks. Fear controls me, I’m scared to fuck up so I rarely take risks. If I’d started 10 years ago I’d be in a very different place but fear stopped me and stops me now.
@mariusk I generally agree except for one thing.

Entrepreneurs are jacks of all trades and masters of none. Communication and resourcefulness are keys.

This is wrong, even you counter your own point when you talk about networking.

My network didn't grow at the networking events. It grew when I got really really good at one thing.

Entrepreneurs are people with a mastery of something and a jack of all trades regarding the things tangentially around to it.

If you have no mastery in any field, there is no reason to go with you instead of some other jack. There has to be something special for you to stand out among others.
@mariusk Dont agree with the "master of none" sentiment, but everything else I can get behind.

I will admit that a shocking number of successful skilled trades companies are owned by hacks.


Also, the correct skills can indeed build wealth. Ive met plenty of people who gross over $5k per week as sole proprietors with minimal overhead. But yeah ideally you're gonna get people to work for you.
@mariusk I appreciate this, although the true lesson is everyone comes with different experiences, strengths, and weaknesses so everyone's list is going to be different.
@mariusk my reasons why people don't get rich

1. they don't allow themselves to become rich

2. they prefer to victimize themselves

3. they want help from a father figure (government, parents, teachers, gods)

4. they want things easy

5. they have a bad concept of money (rich people are bad, poor people are good)

6. they don't run experiments

7. they don't like working
@mariusk I work with a lot of successful businesses, the only thing they all have in common is work ethic. Some of the wealthiest people I know aren't that bright, they just work hard and consistently over time.

I have a totally different take on all of this. What I believe builds wealth is consistency, a financial plan, focused goals and then some other people just get lucky.
@brucee 100% agree but with an addition that all successful business people have the ability to balance macro and micro really well. Being able to shift back and forth between big picture and the day-to-day procedural tasks is so key. Most people are only good at one. They micromanage, analyze and strangle (control) everything until it dies, or they're dreaming up new ways to revolutionize things while neglecting to stack a single block.
@613jono I agree with you, if you have it all figured out you tend to get rich. But I have found wealthy people who are terrible at most things but their work ethic made it work.

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