There’s more SaaS start kits than SaaS startups


New member
Why is everyone obsessed with crating starter kits? I see new ones on a daily basis. Are they really that prominent? I’ve never considered using one of them because it seems to me that most SaaS ideas worth working on, propose architectural intricacies that those lack.
I do realize when building an MVP the speed matters more, but I also think the DX is a huge factor even when building the MVP.
@deecruz I agree. That’s why I’m launching my SaaS Starter Kit Avoidance Kit to stop potential founders from starting their own SaaS company.
@saminni I'd pay for that. Could save me a lot of money.

Could be an AI product. I plug in some information about myself and it explains why I'm an idiot and why I'm doomed to failure. There's something in this.
@ck90 This is pretty accurate. Frameworks general arise from someone trying to solve one problem and inadvertently solving a more general or fundamental problem. This is the story for web frameworks like react but also for these Saas frameworks.
@hrindlis That's correct. From my experience, this is the natural progression any software takes:

Narrow, single niche software -> related multiple niches -> generic extendable software solving a family of problems. Each problem space can be specifically addressed by varying a configuration or expressing certain parts using a DSL (sometimes, people embed existing languages like lua or python or others instead of writing their own DSL. It took A LOT of time for Microsoft Excel to introduce Python. People care more about Python than any specific DSL).

TL;DR, the natural progression of software, is starting very specific and becoming generic over time.
@deecruz Just like there are more people selling investment advice than beating the market…

It’s not hard to understand. Getting started is usually a big step, so people sell products to make it easy… even though there are extensive guides on how to start websites and services on every major cloud host, and they spend a lot of time trying to make it fast and easy.
@deecruz I'm working on the world's first SaaS starter-kit starter-kit! Sick and tired of wasting hundreds of hours building starter kits? Now you can procrastinate starting on that business idea faster than ever!

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