THIS is why you need to know your numbers and use that information to negotiate

@heyheyheynoname "Hey Jack, I know you wanted to sit on it. Here is my situation, I want to keep my guys working and I just had a spot open up for early Feb. If you book it now, I'm willing to do x. We always take a deposit at the time of booking, so if you want it, I'll need to grab that from you in short order."

- created urgency

- makes him feel helpful to you

- makes you seem like a good guy for helping others

- gives him a better discount

- lays out the deal
@job3315 Yup. Urgency with honesty works real well. It also makes your offer concrete and not BS. It's the truth after all, isn't it? You truly need to fill that slot by paying today or someone else will take it.
@heyheyheynoname I have a fairly successful mobile detailing business that in less than a year now has become #2 rated in my area. How do I stop working my ass off and start making phone calls? I have hired and trained a couple employees but they'll need all their own equipment and transportation to work solo and that's a huge investment for me. You definitely can't stay sweaty forever. I'm working a full time job on top of this and feeling the sweat daily
@heyheyheynoname You say it’s a 3 day job. I assume three, 8 hour workdays. Is that correct? When you say “value of services to me”, are you referring to entire job cost? Am I understanding this correctly?
@kernelpanic Yes 3, 8 hour days. 4 painters. 72 man hours.

In what I was referring to, the $500 charge for washing, it’s only worth $375 in terms of cost. So when I deduct $500, I’m really deducting $375 because I’m going to paying that to the guy doing it. So the customer thinks he’s getting a “$500” discount, but really he’s getting a value proposition of free pressure washing, that really is only $375.

Yes I know I’m missing out on the $125 profit but this is straight costs

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