Thoughts on a $15/h Minimum Wage?

@naturewalk “...I get it. When I'm outside of California I believe in tipping my server well because I know that's their main source of income. But inside the state I just feel dirty tipping someone who has made a career of it and probably makes more money than someone who dedicated themself to self improvement or education in a position that doesn't get tips.”

...So by your statement Self-Improvement is absolutely non-attainable through the SERVICE industry? You can’t get a degree for having people’s skills, so you shouldn’t make a decent living at it, right? Yeah! Fuck anybody that is making $20-$50 by being hospitable, having time and stress management skills, while being friendly to complete strangers for a measly buck.

Those are useless traits and ones that only deserve merit unless you have a college degree! Those lazy SOB’s aren’t adding anything greater to society!

Also, fuck anybody that has studied their ass off “to better themselves” for any certification or degree in beer, wine, or food. It’s a waste of time and makes me feel dirty when they belittle me with their knowledge. I want somebody dumb and rude to throw my money at so I don’t feel guilty when I tip 5% and leave. They chose this profession for a reason though, right?

/s 🍻
@orlando_wcbc We start at $16/hr anyway so no real change that I can anticipate. If anything it will help since we have been operating at a 30% higher than average labor cost for years. We live in a decently high CoL area so as a company we've pledged to keep them at a comfortable income level.

Edit: since I appear to be getting downvoted by the usual brigade on this sub, I'll expand. My industry isn't going away regardless of the minimum wage requirement. If the minimum comes up, prices will need to go up for my competitors which will either make us less high priced in comparison or allow us to increase prices as well.
@johnford If employees are only here for the money, there is easier work to do out there. We are continually developing a company culture and a purpose that helps align everyone and give them a reason to come to work. I don't need "warm bodies" as employees. If they train quickly and become a valuable member of the team, they will get raises regularly. If I can bill more for them, they get paid more. This is made transparent earlier. We offer a lot of training to help boost their value for the company as well as their income. For the right people, they use that to their advantage.
@orlando_wcbc I think many small businesses, especially retail/manufacturing, will be outcompeted by the larger businesses that have the capital to automate and/or the ability to run at larger scales. Service businesses will probably not be affected as much because they are harder for large companies to do well.
Service businesses will probably not be affected as much because they are harder for large companies to do well.

Service businesses will probably not be affected as much because they have a low barrier to entry. There will always be new people entering those markets. People will work for very little just to be their own boss.
@annyfins But once they are working for themselves, they are 'ruined' for working for someone else, and will stick with it until it becomes successful (if they don't go bankrupt). Ask any business owner.
@orlando_wcbc Too high to just jump there everywhere now, needs to get there but eventually, however everything else will just increase. Need to have min wage stick closely to a certain percentage of avg annual salary
@orlando_wcbc I’d prefer to cut the workforce by 10-15% and raise the prices 10%. It doesnt affect too many people on all sides of the spectrum-customer, employee, and owner.
@orlando_wcbc Automate! And lay off. I won’t hire people unless I can justify paying them 15/hr, if the task is cheaper I can normally train a robot to do the job and then I make more money.
@orlando_wcbc Economists determined like 5+ years ago that such an increase is absolutely necessary, or else.

This was outlined in a TED talk about the subject, where a billionaire warned his fellow wealth-holders that pretty soon the pitchforks and torches will be coming as a result of the insane income inequality that has been created.
@heartofholiness Ill go look for it now, but the CBO estimated 1.5 million to 3 million jobs lost...... but 11 million to 15 million people would have their situations significantly improved. That is a huge win in my book
Economists have proved that increasing minimum wage causes job loss.

So does a bad attitude, and yet that never stops anyone.

In fact, the economy would grow stronger over time, which would increase jobs and sales.

And anyone suggesting differently is a liar. They are trying to maintain a system of slavery, elitism, and class warfare.
And anyone suggesting differently is a liar. They are trying to maintain a system of slavery, elitism, and class warfare.

This is really where you lost me. It is at best poor rhetorical form to claim that anyone who disagrees with your perspective is a member of some unpleasant group or class. I mean, really, that's kind of the height of poor argumentation and anyone who suggests otherwise is a bunny rapist.
This is really where you lost me. It is at best poor rhetorical form to claim that anyone who disagrees with your perspective is a member of some unpleasant group or class.

I agree with you, it is poor rhetorical form. But this is Reddit and not a formal debate so who cares? :)

Seriously tho, all their arguments are bullshit, I've been through the entire gauntlet twice over. They're all liars.
@11b153 If you raise minimum wage, you make it illegal for people with low skills to work and to move up the ladder. The economy would go stronger if people had higher wages, true, but legislating it isn't the fix for it. That's like taking a magic pill - it won't work/ doesn't exist. I want wages to rise too, but it needs to happen through the free market. That happens when people grow their skills and make themselves more attractive candidates.

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