Thoughts on a $15/h Minimum Wage?

@heartofholiness In my opinion that's where integrating college into the regular education system comes in. Currently low skill people are basically those who can't afford or won't risk the debt to get a higher education. When the amount of people in extreme poverty and/or on welfare increases then there won't be any other option but to give greater accessibility to education and skills training. Most minimum wage jobs will be replaced by automation soon anyways, at least where I live practically every fast food place has cut employee's by 1/3rd and replaced them with automated payment kiosks/checkouts.
@11b153 You need no qualifications to do a TED talk. Be careful about what you hear there. I don’t disagree, but saying it came from a TED talk holds no real weight.
@11b153 I don't think anyone wealthy is scared of the poor coming after them. The current problem with income inequality comes down to options. If you do anything to possibly tax the wealthy further or disrupt thier tax haven usage they will just move to another country and doesn't and now instead of getting the few taxes they can't avoid paying they will not be paying anything.
@orlando_wcbc Either increase price, improve efficiency, find cutting cost opportunities or a combination. Here are a few points you can do before you get hit by a higher minimum wage:
  • Hire someone to provide an external perspective on how the business is being run,
  • Automate processes that are worth at least 1-2 FTE (full-time engagement),
  • Gain insight on the inner workings of the business via data analytics
  • Increase marketing/sales engagement via digital solutions to drive increased sales and improved economies of scale,
  • Speak to a financial advisor of consultant to help prepare a plan of action for potential future outcomes,
  • Outsource non-essential work.
@orlando_wcbc Hire fewer people and fire the existing ones if they are not worth $15/hr. Since you’ll have to hire fewer staff, you’ll make to make sure everyone is productive, can pull their own weight and is worth $15/hr. I do think a min wage screws over a lot of employees were are worth less and aren’t as productive. They would have a job if the pay was less
@orlando_wcbc My business (I’m the owner) requires people to pack boxes. A smart monkey could probably do it. It’s just as easy as scooping ice cream or flipping burgers (I’ve done both for min wage when I was younger).

The problem is the market determines the value of the labor. Not the government. I’m sorry but $15/hr is too much to pack boxes. I’ll have to raise prices or do it myself. Or I’m going to have to look for immigrant help.

This is a stepping stone job. No one packing boxes is going to retire one day packing boxes. They’ll move up or move on.

I believe people’s time is worth more than $15/hr. But they have to make their time worth more. Not have a politician step in and force me to pay them more. Learn a skill that’s worth more money per hour. In the mean time, I’ll gladly pay you 12/hr to pack boxes.
@theinvisibleman There’s an upper limit on how many boxes someone can pack. You can’t just turn a dial and make people pack twice as many boxes per hour. Also ideally people are already packing about as many boxes per hour as they can be expected to pack. I don’t know why people would suddenly be able to pack more just because their pay went up.
@lingkinghenry He could just close his doors because he can't afford to stay in business because Owner is not making enough to care for their family.

Just like the current minimum wage worker could go find a higher paying job to make enough for their family. If you say they don't qualify for higher paying jobs just look up the plethora of entry level labor jobs which range from $12 - $15/hr.

I have managed hundreds of employees at a time and it surprised me how many employees just didn't care about their job no matter their wage.
I have managed hundreds of employees at a time and it surprised me how many employees just didn't care about their job no matter their wage.

It's almost as if most people work jobs because they have to, not because they want to.
@lingkinghenry I upvoted you because I think it’s relevant to the discussion.

Something for the OP to consider. Look at your living expenses, and look at what a husband and wife working for you at the old and new minimum wage would make. Yes, I’m a small business owner too, and yes I get that we’re taking more of a risk and getting more of a reward. But how far is that spread for your company and employees?
@orlando_wcbc Nothing. My employees already make more than the minimum, and most average over $15 hour.

But then again, I would rather have my business fail than exploit those I rely upon.

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