Took 3 months off to develop a childhood dream 🧙🏻‍♂️


New member
Ever since GPT came out I imagined going back to my childhood fantasy and creating an AI Game Master (we called them dungeon masters at the time before copyrights 😄) that would facilitate a role playing adventure for us.

So in between jobs I decided to bring it alive seeing the technology is obivously there.

With the help of GPT-4, DallE-3, and some copilot by my side 😉 was able to launch our AI Game Master app to the Play Store (with an iOS version coming soon)! 🎉

This is the final outcome, and am attaching the draft way that led us here 😃🤓

An adventure start, with story, characters, and scenes depicted

We'd love for feedback, you can find the app here:

We're also garnering a small community around the development on r/ai_game_master hope to see you there!

The road here in pictures:



Coming together

and the final result (for now):

Fight Mechanics

And some amazing in play images:
@nomadheart I think you materialized the dreams of many D&D nostalgic lovers.. the combination of good and surprising narratives with breathtaking art - it’s a game changer (pun intended)!

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