We bootstrapped our SaaS to $60K MRR with a team of 4

@prayerwarriorjd Definitely. Claiming a whole niche is not good advice. Customers don't need things for problems they aren't aware of. Extremely hard to market for a problem that has no validated solutions.
@deborah137 This is the biggest mistake people make. They want some product that tries to capture an entire market. “The X industry is a Y billion dollar market!”

Go for a market that has been validated there is a need. It is crowded because the demand is there but you still need to separate yourself like Tally has.

It’s much easier to go after established markets that are validated then try to build a SaaS tool for a market that doesn’t exist and you have convinced yourself it does.
@613jono Find a niche. Either talk to people in that market or do research on products and tools you understand and then start to research potential users and leads by what they like and complain about.

Networking events. Business groups. Local meet ups. Find out what people use, what they hate, where they waste their time each day. You will then be able to find a problem to solve as your first step.
@cherishedgirl congratulations! have been following your journey from long time through your posts on indiehackers.com . Initially i was skeptical about your strategy to use stripe connect (although i liked your product) as i thought taking additional responsibility of taking payment would be difficult to handle as bootstrapper (there are too many CC frauds by people with stolen CC's) however i am glad you proved me wrong and scaled to ~1MARR .
@godseeker62 Thanks! Do you mean using Stripe for our subscriptions, or the Stripe integration which you can use to create payment forms (this is only a very small percentage of our revenue). Unfortunately we do get fraudulent payments with stolen CC's by abusers.

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