YC mods scrubbing posts they don't like

Check this out:
Guess these "1nVe5t0rZ" can't handle the heat and public criticism.

If you can't handle critique on Reddit, I can't imagine how you're going to cope when your next demo day flops and LPs come knocking.

Real talk: Time to stop wasting American capital on hype trains. You have an obligation to not make dumb investments.

When everyone is telling you these are dumb investments, and you continue anyway, and then they are proven to in fact be dumb, you need to come to terms with that and start trying to rectify the situation. Start funding real tech again and you'll continue to attract top founders and investors to your batches.

Continue with this AI circlejerk, and you might irreparably destroy your reputation.

*I look forward to this post being scrubbed.
@birch Ah interesting so you were hoping the yc partners read your anonymous post and it better informed their opinions of what startups will likely succeed in yc? This wasn’t what I was expecting tbh I thought it was more for the community.
I would say if you want them to take your advice it’s best not to do it anonymously and cite the companies you’ve built or what led you to these opinions.
@johnhus1966 And I think if you have any insight, you'll realize that YC got the message. Else they won't delete the post.

Also you'll realize that posting on public forum means the community will see it.

Also you'll realize that, alas, I was right after openAI's devday.

That's all I have to say to you.
@birch do you know how many yc founders (from recent batches as well) were at devday, literally everyone I bumped into lol. Not a single person was scared of their startup failing, rather they were cheering for lower gpt 4 costs lol.
@ieltsielts You seem not to have gotten the implication of competition. The market is now open. These startups aren't as valuable as they would have been. They may not fail, but they definitely won't make as much as they could if openAI didn't make creating wrappers so simple that it needs no coding. They are simply not the billion dollar company YC hoped for anymore.
@birch I think you're really overindexing on idea when it comes to making a venture capital investment. The most important thing is the founding team. The reason getting rejected by institutional funding is tough to hear for a founder is that it is actually generally a rejection of you and your team at a seed stage. That doesn't mean that they're right and you're wrong - it just means that they have a prior on what they think makes a successful team and you don't fit that. Most VCs fail at returning the fund, so I would also take their opinion with a grain of salt.
  1. I dont think it was feedback taken by yc. I think it was taken down cause it’s toxic. Partners in yc are very positive and optimistic. This whole sub has become the antithesis of what yc is like
  2. Huh so was the point for random people on Reddit to see it or yc partners?
  3. You weren’t right, competition doesn’t matter. Make something people want and you’ll be fine. We’ll see in 10 years. I would still invest in any of the yc batches.
@greekorthodox123456 While I’m not supporting AI hype as well, it is still too early to make any conclusions.

You never know what will happen in 5 years, and even 1 AI startup that becomes a unicorn will pay for all others who failed.
@greekorthodox123456 I hope it’s not scrubbed. Good or bad let’s see what people are thinking. One day will may all just be sanitized AI’s. Free thought and able to express our opinions is what makes us human… flawed and all.
  1. Lps are not knocking to get their money back
  2. Yc has no obligations to anyone but their Lps. They are a tiny tiny fraction of startup capital deployed.
  3. People have been telling them their biggest winners were dumb since yc started (see Airbnb, Reddit)
  4. Do you think you could do better? Yc has some of the highest returns of any firm in tech and it has been repeatable. If you can do better, you definitely should.
  5. I really think all of the people who complain here don’t understand the vc model. It is all about outliers. Yes, the average company will fail. That is the game. If you want your risk profile such that the average company succeeds I’d recommend private equity investing approach.
@johnhus1966 As someone who’s gone through YC and works in VC now. Their deal flow has become drastically worse in recent batches. They’re calling insurtechs that can’t raise a series
b outliers in marketing posts. The allure and pedigree is declining.

Also LPs are clearly unhappy. Batch size is shrinking again and their growth fund was a complete failure.

This is ill-informed
@grlpower Highly doubt all of your claims. I went through YC, used to work at YC, and still hang out with the GPs pretty often. The data definitely says otherwise. LPs are definitely not unhappy 😂. Be on the lookout for a new massive fund announcement soon.

Batch size is shrinking cause those previously remote batches were just bigger. In person, with a renewed focus on SF and early stage, with events literally every day for 10 weeks straight = slightly smaller batches, but they’re in line with pre covid. The % of companies that finish raising their seed rounds by Demo Day are higher than ever.

Maybe you should reconsider your job in VC. Better yet, maybe just invest in all the startups YC rejects - seems that would be a good fund thesis for you.