YC v/s Antler Residency


New member
I got into Antler Residency in NYC recently and still waiting to hear from YC. Although YC is a no-brainer as network and learnings are game-changer. I want your opinions on the fundraise part -

YC invests $125k for 7% and then invests $375k as MFN. Most founders after YC raise at $15m post-money so say for a $1m round, total dilution is ~13%.

For Antler, they invest $250k for 9% and then $250k as MFN. A lot of alum raises at $10-12m post-money so for a $1m round, total dilution is ~15.5%.

This seems comparable - am I missing something here? Leaving network and learnings out of equation, should I go for Antler if I don’t get into YC or try to built it all by myself and raise from external investors a few months later at 12-15% dilution anyways?
@friendlysusan Just click on the link, that's all I know. I'm not associated with it in any way or form, a friend just sent it to me and I'm sharing it here because it sounds like a great deal.
@%C3%90oan9919 We got into the Antler Residency as well, so in the same boat. The only thing that I want to add to your post, is that Antler’s second $250k is dependent/contigent on your ability to raise at least 500k.

They basically invest half of what you can get after their initial 250k, for a max of another 250k. So in other words if you’re not able to get 500k post their 250k investment and you get like 100k, they’ll invest 50k only not 250k.

I know you covered the average Antler and YC alumn post-money valuation so I’m assuming you’re aware of that.

For us, the valuation and dilution is not a game changer as the differences are not big there, especially since Antler introduced the additional 250k investment. The question that we have is revolved around how reputable Antler is and how successful they will be in introducing us to the right network of investors.

I guess, we’ll have to wait and see - YC has a strong track record and investors twerk for them, for a good reason. They have been successful in helping create some amazing companies, Antler is an up and coming player.
@tippie36 I’ve have an interview with antler this week. Can you share some about the acceptance process? I found some info online but not sure if it’s out dated.
@mheppell Sure, we had 2 interviews one with an analyst and the other one with a partner. After that we had a couple of calls with the partner who interviewed us to clear up some things.

Very good experience and pretty relaxed from that perspective. We talked about our progress, what their expectations as well as ours were from the program, and they asked a lot of questions around the founders and the team, anything from education to previous experience.

For us it was a little easier I guess since we are coming in with an already formed team and a released product with customers.

Hope that helps.